Minister Audrey Tang of the Ministry of Digital Affairs (moda) met with a delegation from the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs (AFET) Committee on 27 July. Both sides engaged in extensive discussions on issues such as cyber security cooperation and digital resilience, looking forward to fostering more collaboration in the field of digital between Taiwan and Europe.
Minister Tang explained that Taiwan is a vital partner in the global democratic camp, standing at the frontline of democratic countries facing challenges from authoritarian regimes. It is one of the top regions internationally in terms of cybersecurity attacks and defense, facing constant threats from foreign cyberattacks. Cyber security has become an ongoing test in daily life. The moda actively works under the mission of "Cyber security is national security," proactively preventing threats and disrupting attacks, and establishing a cross-domain joint defense system that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.
Minister Tang also mentioned the ongoing "Enhancing Digital Resilience Verification Project for Communication Networks in Emergency or Wartime Application of Emerging Technologies," which aims to confirm the feasibility of an asynchronous satellite as an emergency backup network. The plan includes the establishment of 700 domestic satellite stations and three overseas stations, testing functions such as video conferencing, internet telephony, live streaming systems, and two-way or multi-way communication, ensuring the reliable transmission of critical commands and emergency evacuation information during urgent situations.
Taking the moda's official website for example, Minister Tang elaborated on the adoption of web3 architecture, including the "Inter Planetary File System" (IPFS), for decentralized solutions to prevent website tampering. The ministry also strengthens protection for critical infrastructure, promoting public-private cooperation in joint defense, conducting cross-border real combat and defense exercises, and expediting the implementation of the "Never Trust, Always Verify" zero-trust framework within government agencies to fundamentally enhance Taiwan's cybersecurity resilience.
The delegation members of this visit are from seven EU countries and various political parties, including Mr. Reinhard Bütikofer, the Chairman of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with China, Mr. Michael Gahler, the Chairman of the Taiwan Friendship Group, and Ms. Nathalie Loiseau, the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee's Security and Defense Subcommittee.
Sources:Ministry of Digital Affairs